Running to work


After several years of regular sport activity in the school or early career years it is a really shocking experience to realize that finding time for training besides work, family and friends can be a very challenging task. Although skipping a few occasions might seem an acceptable sacrifice on the altar of the higher priorities, the irregular training is a very fragile thing and the  lack of your habitual physical activity soon becomes a torture. And while stealing time for the training from work or sleep time has rarely a happy ending, there is a certain amount of time that we spend every day just by sitting: TRAVEL. Although running to work is not an ideal way of training, it can preserve some of that fitness you often remember to with a little drop in your eye. It is cheap, time efficient, independent from the weather and can be combined with other means of transport. And it is a socially quite accepted sport to be done on streets compared to for example javelin or judo. So in the followings I will go through the suggested pace and length, clothing and logistics of running to work.

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Walking pace


„It isn’t the distance that kills but the speed.” The known phrase emphasizes the importance of speed in every distance sports including the hiking as well. Walking too slow or too fast can both put you in uncomfortable situations or even danger. But there is no absolute scale for pace, it is always compared to your plans, which can be realistic or not, and can be carried out correctly or not. Let’s see some rules and examples.

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Hiking in the rain


A water elemental has inevitably some strong skills to spoil a hiking day. Still, you shouldn’t let her stop you hiking. On one hand because she doesn’t always show herself before striking down, so if you hike regularly, then you will hike in rain anyway. On the other hand, if you are prepared, you will have a good hike, with or without her blessing. So in case you are not made of sugar, read these simple advises and see how you can survive a little water, while the others stay at home.

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How to pack light

Packing for a hike is like selecting your armor against elemental. I guess you have some experience of the value of an extra sweater that looked useless at the warmth of home, but I’m sure that none of you would start a half-marathon in a full alpinist gear. Sure, you got no chance to stand against the elementals unequipped, but you don’t always have to take the fight.

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